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spring breeze caressing one’s face
春风指面  detail>>
spring breeze kiss my face
春风吻上我的脸  detail>>
spring breeze to kiss my face
春风吻上我的脸  detail>>
the spring wind is gentle and caressing
春风和畅  detail>>
spring breeze
春风 偷欢假期 偷欢嫁期  detail>>
the spring breeze
望春风  detail>>
 adj.  抚爱的,抚慰的。  n.  爱抚。  adv.  -ly   detail>>
a balmy spring breeze
春风和煦  detail>>
city of spring breeze
春风满小城  detail>>
her spring breeze
郎如春日风  detail>>
the autumn moon and spring breeze
秋月春风  detail>>
willows swayed in the spring breeze
春风杨柳  detail>>
a cool breeze brushed my face
凉风掠面  detail>>
spring breeze is full of small town
春风隆城  detail>>
outer face seal spring
外端面密封弹簧  detail>>
lie on one’s face
脸朝下躺下  detail>>
lift one’s face
为某人整容  detail>>
one face twill
单面斜纹  detail>>